Teentrums: An Interactive Session with the students of Class 9

Published on: 22 Jul 2024


A session entitled Teentrums, specifically aimed at addressing the emotional and psychological challenges faced by teenagers, was organized by the Wellness Centre of MCKV on 22 July 2024. The session was conducted by Mr Amitabh Mohan (MD, HLS India), an experienced psychologist.

The session aimed at promoting healthy communication among teenagers with their peers, teachers, and parents. Mr Mohan emphasized the importance of understanding and managing one’s emotions especially during this crucial phase of growth.

The session proved to be a significant first step towards supporting the emotional well-being of Class 9 students. It gave a bird’s view of the various challenges of adolescence and offered practical tools for coping well with them. Mr Mohan’s expertise and the real-life anecdotes was well-received by the attendees and would prove priceless as our students sail through the turbulent journey of adolescence.