Robotics: The Future of Today's Generation
Published on: 06 Jan 2025
“ROBOTICS is not about making machines to serve us. It's about creating machines to be our partners.”
Robots are the largest growing technological device in the world, performing multiple functions, ranging from space exploration through Chandrayaan I to entertainment. Robotics technology is increasing at a fast rate, providing us with new technology that can assist with home chores and automobile assembly, changing the world around us with a magnificent transformation in technology driven countries from past to present.
It is a branch of mechanical and electrical engineering, computer science, dealing with the design, construction, operations and applications of robots. These automated machines replace humans in various sectors such as health care, biomedical engineering, education and job satisfaction, playing a significant role in world economy and making our everyday life easier, quicker and more comfortable. They not only aid in domestic, military and commercial aspects but also effectively accomplish hazardous tasks such as defusing bombs, mining and exploring shipwrecks.
Recently APOLLO Hospital group installed the world’s most advanced CYBERKNIFE robotic radio surgery system at the cancer speciality centre in Chennai. Robotics is being used in a variety of clinical and surgical settings for increasing accuracy and decreasing operating time. Medical robots are even nowadays to train surgeons. It had assisted handicapped people in replacing their damaged limbs with artificial parts that can duplicate the natural movements.
In AUTOMOBILE, robotics is used to make fully automated production lines especially the high and efficient luxury and sports cars. PACKAGING and ELERONIC SECTOR works done with the guidance of real robots is of very high quality. Even movies like Star Wars and Transformers use robotics.
Although robotics is the pinnacle of technological development, consolidating research and catapulting the scientific progress, high cost of hardware and sensors, motors accompanied with problem of customization and updation. Like a coin with two sides, robotics too possesses a negative side as it cuts down labour and reduces employment opportunities. Even emotion based robots whose attempts are being made can be hazardous. Robotic military force is also dangerous.
Humans have manufactured robots and will now humans let their smart creation outsmart them?
“Whether a robot is good or evil depends on the intentions of the user more than the creator”— So if we balance the intelligence of human brain and robotics advancement, it will be fruitful for us in solving all problems.